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Content marketing

How to avoid losing followers on social networks?

How to avoid losing followers on social networks?

Here are a few simple strategies to avoid losing followers on social media and increase audience engagement:

  • Diversify your content : switch between videos, images, articles and testimonies to keep the interest of your subscribers.
  • Balance the promotion : avoid overloading your posts with promotional content, offer value first.
  • Interact regularly : Respond to comments and messages to show that you are listening to your community.
  • Post at the right times : Use data from your social networks to identify the best publication slots.
  • Be authentic : share real and heartfelt stories to build trust with your audience.
  • Analyze your performance : follow your statistics to adjust your strategy and maintain efficient content.
  • Integrate multimedia : capture attention with compelling visuals and engaging videos.

Social networks are an essential tool for SMEs and startups to gain visibility, engage an audience and accelerate sales cycles. However, there are many common mistakes that can scare your subscribers away, which naturally reduces the impact of your efforts. In this article, I want to guide you through the pitfalls to avoid in order not to lose followers on social networks and maintain a loyal and engaged audience.

1. Post repetitive content

Why is it a problem?

Repetitive content is a common mistake, especially when you lack the time or resources to diversify your posts. This can lead to the loss of followers on social media.

How to avoid it?

To avoid losing followers on social networks, diversify your formats and topics. Switch between videos, infographics, customer stories, and blog posts. Use an editorial calendar to structure your publications and avoid redundancies.

Practical tips:

  • Use The planning tool Creasprint to manage and schedule your posts on multiple social networks, all in one place. This will allow you to better anticipate your publications and ensure a variety of content.
  • La Idea box Of Creasprint allows you to capture ideas at any time and integrate them directly into your calendar, avoiding repetition.
  • If you're running out of ideas, ask your audience directly what they'd like to see. Polls on Instagram or LinkedIn are great tools for collecting suggestions while building engagement.

2. Being too promotional

Why is it a trap?

If your account boils down to constantly selling your products or services, your subscribers may lose interest and unsubscribe. To avoid losing followers on social networks, it is essential to offer content that creates value before looking to sell.

How to avoid it?

Adopt it 80/20 rule : 80% of your posts should be informative, entertaining, or educational, and only 20% should be promotional. Engage your subscribers with useful content and do subtle promotion that meets a concrete need of your audience.

Practical tip:

  • Use storytelling to illustrate how your product or service solved a problem or provided value. This makes the promotion less direct while creating an emotional connection with your followers.

3. Ignore comments and messages

Why is it a problem?

Not responding to comments or messages can discourage your followers and cause them to unsubscribe. A lack of engagement can also affect the platforms' algorithm, which can lead to the loss of followers on social networks.

How to avoid it?

Responding to comments shows that you value your followers. But above all, don't forget to interact with other similar accounts and with your audience outside of your page. Interact with them in an authentic way, whether it's answering questions, thanking for a compliment, or dealing with a complaint.

Practical tip:

  • Develop a routine where you spend 10 to 15 minutes a day responding to comments and direct messages. If your audience is growing, consider automating some answers for recurring questions while maintaining a personal touch.

4. Post at inadequate times

Why is it a trap?

Even if your content is good, posting at times when your audience is inactive can lead to a loss of followers on social networks. To avoid this, it's crucial to post at times when your audience is most active.

How to avoid it?

Use platform analytics tools to identify when your audience is most active. Adapt your posts to these hours to maximize engagement.

Practical tip:

  • Creasprint allows you to schedule your publications at the best times on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn, based on the activity of your subscribers. You can also delegate your content creation if time is running out so you never miss a post!

5. Use irrelevant trends

Why is it a trap?

It can be tempting to follow all the current trends to get attention, but if they don't match your brand or audience, they may blur your message. Following trends that don't align with your brand can lead to a loss of social media followers because it creates an inconsistent picture. Selecting and adapting trends to your content strategy is critical.

How to avoid it?

Before following a trend, ask yourself if it aligns with your brand values and provides value to your subscribers. If it doesn't fit into your overall strategy, it's best to refrain from it or customize it to fit your audience to avoid losing subscribers.

Practical tips:

  • Creasprint can help you analyze trends relevant to your brand with its powerful analytics and reports that show you what types of content are performing well on your social networks.
  • If a trend seems interesting to you but is too far from your sector, consider customizing it so that it better reflects your brand. This shows your subscribers that you are in tune with the news while staying true to your identity.

6. Post inauthentic content

Why is it a problem?

Social media users quickly detect inauthentic content (Hi ChatGPT!!!). If your posts don't seem genuine or reflect your values, it can lead to a loss of social media followers.

How to avoid it?

To avoid losing followers on social media, always be honest and transparent in your communication. Share real moments from your business, challenges you've overcome, or inspiring customer stories. Transparency creates a stronger connection with your community.

Practical tips:

  • Create content series around the “behind the scenes” of your business. This makes it possible to show the human aspect of your brand and to create a strong bond with your audience.
  • The score Creasprint helps you analyze the performance of your content by showing you which content is perceived to be authentic and engaging, and which requires revision to better resonate with your audience.

7. Do not analyze your performance

Why is it a trap?

Not analyzing your posts can lead to repeated mistakes or missing opportunities for improvement. If you don't know what works and what doesn't work, it will be difficult to optimize your content to maximize audience engagement and growth.

How to avoid it?

To avoid losing followers on social media, analyze performance data regularly. Identify which types of posts generate the most engagement and adjust your strategy based on the results.

Practical tips:

  • Les in-depth analyses Of Creasprint judge each creation according to visual, editorial and strategic criteria. This helps you refine your strategy and focus on what really works for your audience.

8. Neglecting the use of multimedia content

Why is it a problem?

Text content alone isn't always enough to capture the attention of your subscribers. If you don't diversify your content with engaging visuals and videos, it can lead to lower engagement and a loss of social media followers.

How to avoid it?

Integrate images, videos, infographics, or even GIFs into your posts to avoid losing social media followers. These media elements make your content more engaging and encourage your subscribers to engage more.

Practical tips:

  • Try creating short videos or simple infographics that explain key concepts or share helpful tips. These formats often have a higher engagement rate than text-only publications.
  • Creasprint can help you create visuals that pack a punch for your social networks by delegating your content creation. With our smart plans, we offer you a package adapted and proportionate to your project.


Social networks can be a major asset for your SME or startup, but it is essential to avoid certain pitfalls so as not to lose your subscribers. Diversify your content, avoid being too promotional, and always respond to comments to maintain strong engagement. Post at optimized times to maximize visibility and use trends only when they're relevant to your brand. Regularly analyze your performance and adjust your strategy to improve engagement and retaining your audience. Remember: visually appealing and heartfelt content is the key to keeping your followers.

Ready to optimize your strategy? Schedule a demo now to adjust your content and maximize your engagement on social networks!

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