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Content marketing

Content marketing trends to watch in 2024

Now that we're between you and me, can I tell you something? 

I too am stunned by the volume of innovations and new trends... Now that the year is off to a good start, my team and I have been on the lookout to summarize the 2024 trends in content marketing as quickly and effectively as possible. Our hope is that the article will concretely serve you to make good decisions in your content strategy and in your day to day.

So what are the 2024 content marketing trends?

Here are the essential strategies that allow Startups and entrepreneurs to captivate their audience, stand out with quality content, and embrace personalization for a unique user experience.

PS: Do not forget to save our checklist at the end of the article, to keep it as a reminder.

The reign of quality content

Why quality comes first

Quality is not a luxury, it is a necessity. In a context where each Internet user is bombarded with information, only content that provides real added value, that teaches, that touches or that inspires, has a chance of breaking into the 2024 content marketing trends. Take the example of “Canva Design School”, a platform that offers free tutorials and courses on graphic design. By positioning itself as an authority in its field, Canva is not only selling a product, but building a loyal, educated, and grateful community.

Improvement strategies

Expert interviews: Imagine a blog post on the latest eco-responsible trends with insights from a recognized expert. The perceived value of your content increases instantly.

Data-based content: articles or infographics that present in-depth statistics and analyses on, for example, the impact of AI on startups in 2024, will position your brand as a reference in the 2024 content marketing trends. Do not hesitate, for example, to use the carousels on LinkedIn.

Development of personal employee brands

The impact of employee ambassadors

Employees are not just a workforce; they are the embodiment of the brand. When Leo, a developer at Shopify, shares his enthusiasm for a new feature he helped create on LinkedIn, he humanizes the brand and naturally attracts interest, illustrating a key trend in content marketing in 2024.

Encourage content creation

Storytelling workshops: Organize sessions where your employees learn to tell their stories related to your mission.

Ambassador programs: Reward employees who regularly share business-related content, turning their engagement into a real marketing strategy to keep up with 2024 content marketing trends.

The rise of video and user-generated content (UGC)

Video, king format

Video is constantly gaining ground in the 2024 content marketing trends. A striking example is “DuoLingo” on TikTok, where fun and educational videos generate millions of views. Their secret? Combining the useful with the pleasant to capture attention and transmit a message, a pillar in the 2024 content marketing trends. We can't hide also that the Reels on Instagram, for example, are clearly favored by its algorithm.

The authenticity of UGC

Nothing is worth user-generated content for authenticity, a crucial aspect of the 2024 content marketing trends. “Airbnb” excels in this art, highlighting the unique stories of its hosts and travelers, transforming each stay into a shareable experience and reinforcing the importance of UGC in current strategies.

Hyper-targeted personalization

The era of hyper-personalization

Today's consumers expect a hyper-personalized experience, an expectation at the heart of 2024 content marketing trends. Spotify, with its “Discovery of the Week” playlists, perfectly illustrates this trend by using algorithms to suggest music that resonates with the unique tastes of each user, increasing engagement.

Put into practice

Use behavioral data and A/B testing to refine your content. These approaches are critical to successfully navigating the 2024 content marketing trends, allowing for personalization that truly meets the expectations and preferences of your audience.

Optimization for voice search

Adapt to voice search

Optimizing for voice search has become indispensable, reflecting another key dimension of 2024 content marketing trends. Writing content that naturally answers questions posed to voice assistants can greatly improve your visibility and accessibility, an essential strategy for this year.

Optimization strategies

Choose content that adopts a question-and-answer format and optimize for snippets in zero position. These voice optimization tactics are vital for staying in line with the 2024 content marketing trends, ensuring that your brand stands out in voice searches.

Value and community marketing

Building around values

Adopting marketing that reflects shared values with your audience is more relevant than ever in the 2024 content marketing trends. Brands like “Patagonia” demonstrate the positive impact of aligning campaigns with important causes, strengthening customer engagement and loyalty.

Engaging the community

Launch social impact campaigns and encourage community-generated content to build authenticity and trust. Encourage your community to show their commitment to values such as sustainability by starting a shoreline cleaning movement under a hashtag that belongs to you. The aim is for users who recognize themselves in these actions to participate and share their contribution on social networks.


In 2024, the success of content marketing is based on a combination of authenticity, technological innovation, and a deep understanding of the wants and needs of your audience. Entrepreneurs and startups that embrace these trends will not only remain competitive, but will stand out in a saturated market.

Practical checklist

Quality before quantity : Invest in content that educates, inspires, and engages.

Internal Ambassadors : Engage your employees to share and create content.

Video and UGC : Diversify your formats to include short, authentic videos and user-generated content.

Hyper-personalization : Use data and AI to create tailored experiences.

Voice optimization : Adapt your content to voice questions and commands.

Value marketing : Align your content and campaigns with the values of your brand and community.

Creasprint: your partner to excel on social networks in 2024

Creasprint is positioned as your essential strategic ally in this constantly evolving landscape. Our AI tools offer in-depth behavioral analysis of your target audience while cultivating engaged communities thanks to our social media managers and content creators.

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