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Content marketing

The perfect balance: How many times per week should you post

Hello! Today, we are going to focus on a crucial topic for any content creator: the perfect balance in terms of optimal publication frequency per week. So, ready to discover the key to an optimized publishing pace for your business? Let's go! 🚀

Why weekly publication frequency is important

Influence on SEO

If there is one thing that all SEO specialists agree on, it is this: content is king. But even a king needs a battle plan. SEO is a bit like running. Imagine that you are participating in a marathon. You can't sprint right from the start. You need to manage your pace, take into account your stamina and adapt your speed according to the length of the race. Well, SEO is the same! The optimal publication frequency per week is one of the key elements that Google takes into account when ranking your site and that social networks consider in their algorithms. By regularly publishing relevant and quality content, you improve your natural referencing and increase your online visibility.

Maintaining public engagement

Stay in the minds of your readers! Fresh and regular content keeps your audience engaged at an optimal level. It creates an expectation and gives your audience a reason to come back to your site. In fact, it's a bit like your favorite show. You know, the one you look forward to every week? It is this expectation that you want to create with your content.

Creating brand awareness

Publishing regularly and consistently every week also strengthens your brand. Every blog post, video, and social media post helps build your brand, define your voice, and connect with your audience. It's like a jigsaw puzzle: each piece added helps to draw a clearer picture of who you are as a brand.

Common mistakes about how often to post per week

Publishing too frequently

At the other end of the spectrum, there is the temptation to publish too often. It's a bit like eating chocolate: it's delicious, but if you eat too much, it can quickly become disgusting. In addition, publishing too often every week can exhaust your team and lead to a decrease in the quality of the content.

Publication too rare

Posting too rarely is a bit like having a conversation with someone who only replies once every two hours. It breaks the pace, and it doesn't really make you want to continue the discussion, does it? The same goes for your content: publishing too low a frequency each week can lower the interest of your audience and hurt your online visibility.

Lack of regularity in publishing

There is nothing worse than inconsistency. Imagine watching a show that has new episodes airing randomly, with no fixed schedule. Frustrating, isn't it? That's exactly how your audience feels if you post irregularly. Regularly posting every week helps to establish a routine and increase audience engagement.

How to determine the optimal publication frequency per week

Knowledge of your target audience

It's about understanding your audience's behavior: when are they online? How much time do they spend on your site? What type of content do they prefer? Analytical data can help you answer these questions and adjust your publishing frequency accordingly. That's why Creasprint strongly suggests having a content strategy. If you don't have one, contact us!

Analysis of the performance of previous publications

There's nothing like experience to learn. By analyzing the performance of your previous posts, you can understand what is working and what is not working for your audience. What items got the most engagement? How often did you post this content? This analysis will help you refine your optimal publication frequency per week. Starting with the standard package, Creasprint always offers performance reports in order to build an effective online presence together.

Taking into account available resources (team, time, budget)

It's a bit like planning a trip: you have to take into account your budget, the time you have and the people who are with you. In terms of content, this means considering the size of your team, the time needed to produce quality content, and the budget you have for content marketing. With our flexible packages, Creasprint adapts to your resources!

Adapt your calendar to the content you produce

Frequency of publication of blog posts

Blog posts generally require more time and resources to produce. They should be well-written, informative, and optimized for SEO. Depending on your production capacity and the needs of your audience, you may consider publishing a new blog post once or twice a week to maintain an optimal frequency of publication.

Frequency of publication of publications on social networks

Social media posts are generally shorter and easier to produce than blog posts. This means that you can post more frequently on social media, establishing a different optimal posting frequency. However, the key is maintaining a balance between quantity and quality. It's better to post less, but post quality content that resonates with your audience.

Frequency of publication of carousels

The carousels on Instagram or LinkedIn are a great way to share information in a way that's visually appealing and easy to digest. They are ideal for step-by-step guides or for sharing statistics. Their optimal publishing frequency will depend on your content strategy and how much time you can devote to it. However, as they are very engaging, it would be beneficial to publish them regularly.

Reels publication frequency

Instagram Reels are a short and fun format that has exploded in popularity. Their lightweight and entertaining nature can allow for a higher optimal publishing frequency. Also, since Instagram favors this type of content, Publish Reels regularly can increase your reach and engagement.

How often stories are published

Finally, Stories, whether on Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn, are a great way to maintain a daily presence without flooding your subscribers' news feeds. They allow you to share instant moments, behind the scenes or quick updates. Given their ephemeral nature (they disappear after 24 hours), you can consider publishing them every day to maintain an optimal publication frequency.

Tips for maintaining a regular weekly posting frequency

Using content planning tools

There are a multitude of content planning tools out there that can help you maintain a regular publishing frequency. Platforms like Buffer, Hootsuite, or Sprout Social allow you to plan your publications in advance, analyze their performance and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Creating an editorial calendar

An editorial calendar is a great way to visualize your content strategy over a period of time. It helps you keep track of what topics you plan to cover, when they'll be published, and even who's responsible for each piece of content. It's a great tool for maintaining a regular and consistent publishing frequency. If you don't have one, Creasprint will always provide you with a content calendar.

Building a content bank

Sometimes life throws unexpected challenges at you that can interrupt your publishing routine. In those moments, having a stash of content can be a real savior. By creating a content bank, you can ensure that you always have something to post, even when things don't go as planned.


To maximize your chances of success, aim for between 3 to 5 posts per week, 2 to 3 reels per week and one or more stories per day. For a majority of businesses, this is clearly not an easy pace to maintain. This is why Creasprint can be a good ally by allowing you to completely or partially delegate the creation and programming of content.

Finding the optimal publishing frequency per week may seem complicated, but by considering your audience's preferences, analyzing your past performance, and using the right tools, you can certainly find the perfect balance. Remember: there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Each brand is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. The important thing is to be ready to experiment, learn, and adjust your strategy based on your results. Good luck! 🍀

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