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Content marketing

How to use Instagram stats in 2024

With the recent Instagram algorithm updates, understanding Instagram stats and adapting your content strategies is more crucial than ever. These changes aim to improve how content is discovered and engaged, which will have a direct impact on the visibility of creators and brands on the platform.

In this dynamic context, it is essential for entrepreneurs and digital marketers to master the use of Instagram statistics to remain competitive. Analyzing this data will not only allow you to effectively navigate through the nuances of the algorithm, but it will also allow you to maximize your audience engagement, increase your reach, and optimize your return on investment.

Why use Instagram stats?

Exploiting Instagram statistics offers substantial benefits for entrepreneurs and marketers looking to optimize their presence. Here are some major benefits of effectively integrating this data into your content strategy in 2024:

Improve the relevance of its content

By understanding how to read Instagram stats, brands can identify the topics and formats that resonate the most with their audience. This allows content to be refined to be more relevant and engaging, increasing user interaction and loyalty.

Optimize your resources

Using Instagram metrics helps allocate resources more effectively, focusing efforts on the types of posts that generate the best return on investment. This means better allocation of budget and time, which are essential for growing businesses.

Increase your organic reach

Insights from Instagram 2024 statistics allow businesses to better understand the platform's algorithms. Using relevant hashtags, posting at optimal times, and engaging strategically with the audience can dramatically increase the organic reach of your posts.

Strengthen brand authority

By analyzing user interactions and preferences, brands can create content that establishes a stronger connection with the audience. This helps build lasting brand authority and builds trust among followers.

Better understand consumer trends

Understanding Instagram statistics allows businesses to stay at the forefront of consumer trends. By quickly identifying changes in user preferences, brands can adjust their approach to remain competitive and innovative.

Integrating Instagram metrics intelligently and strategically into your marketing strategy can radically transform how you engage with your audience and guide your strategy effectively.

What are Instagram's key metrics?

Each metric on Instagram can tell you something unique about how your content is performing. Here is a quick guide to the most important indicators:


Definition: Includes likes, comments, shares, and saves.

Relevance: A high engagement rate suggests that your content resonates well with your audience, which is crucial for boosting your visibility thanks to the Instagram algorithm.

Scope (Coverage)

Definition: The number of unique people who saw your post.

Relevance: Indicates how your content succeeds in attracting new users, which is essential for expanding your influence.


Definition: The total number of times your post was viewed.

Relevance: Helps to understand how often your content is viewed, which is a good indicator of its relevance and appeal.

Bio link click rate (CTR)

Definition: The number of clicks on your bio link divided by the number of views of the bio.

Relevance: A high CTR indicates an effective bio that encourages users to learn more, which plays a crucial role in converting visitors into customers or followers.

Conversion rate

Definition: The percentage of visitors who took a specific action after viewing your content.

Relevance: Essential for evaluating the effectiveness of your content in achieving your business goals, especially during campaigns that focus on specific actions such as visiting the website, making contact, etc.

Follower growth rate

Definition: The speed at which your number of followers is growing.

Relevance: An indicator of the appeal of your brand and your ability to attract attention over the long term.

What are the content-specific metrics on Instagram?

To refine your content strategy, it is essential to consider these detailed statistics that offer a deeper understanding of your performance by type of content:

Origin of the prints

Definitions: Includes impressions from the profile, home page, hashtags, and Explore page.

Relevance: Knowing where views are coming from helps you optimize the use of hashtags, improve content for the Explore page, or make your profile generally more engaging.

Coverage: percentage followers vs percentage non-followers

Definition: Shows how many unique people saw your post, divided between followers and non-followers.

Relevance: A balance between follower and non-follower views can indicate content that builds loyalty while attracting new eyes.

Interactions: percentage followers vs percentage non-followers

Definition: Measures the proportion of your interactions coming from your followers compared to non-followers.

Relevance: Understanding who is engaging with your content is crucial to measuring the engagement of your existing community versus attracting new audiences.

What are the key indicators, by content format?

Let's now find out how these metrics are reflected in different types of content on Instagram and what indicators to analyze depending on the type of content you've posted:

Publications (Posts) : Engagement, Registration, Engagement Rate are indicators of the value and appeal of your posts.

Stories : Responses, Completion Rate, Outputs measure direct engagement and interest retained throughout the Story.

Reels : Views, Likes, Comments, Shares are key indicators for measuring the reach and popularity of your short videos.

IGTV : Average Watch Time, Views, Engagement provide insights into the interest generated by your longer video content.

How to optimize the impact of your content on Instagram?

To maximize the impact of your presence on Instagram, it's crucial to focus on improving key metrics that directly influence your visibility and engagement. Here are more detailed strategies for each primary metric:

Maximize engagement

Interactive content: Integrate questions into your captions, offer polls and quizzes in your Stories to encourage your followers to engage.

Use of videos and Reels: Video content tends to get higher engagement. Use dynamic formats Like the Reels to capture attention and encourage sharing.

Responsiveness: Respond quickly to comments on your posts to increase engagement and show that you value your community's interactions.

Increase the reach

Optimizing hashtags: Use tools like Hashtagify or All-Hashtag to find the most relevant and popular hashtags in your niche. Vary hashtags to reach different segments of your audience.

Partnerships with influencers: Collaborate with influencers who share similar values to your brand to expose your content to a wider audience.

Optimal publishing hours: Use analytics tools to determine when your audience is most active on Instagram and plan your posts accordingly to maximize visibility.

Boost clicks on the bio

Convincing bio: Write a clear bio which explains what users gain by clicking on your link. Include keywords that are relevant for SEO impact.

Frequent updates: Change the link in the bio regularly to match your latest campaigns or featured content.

Visible calls to action: Highlight calls to action in your posts and Stories to drive traffic to the bio. For example, end a video with an invitation to “find out more via the link in the bio.”

How to use your analyses strategically?

After analyzing the performance of your content on Instagram, it is essential to react strategically to improve your future results. Here are more detailed actions to take:

Adjust its content

Thematic analysis: If certain topics or themes generate more engagement, increase their frequency. For example, if tutorials are popular, consider posting tutorials on a regular basis.

Tone adjustment: Adapt the tone of your communication to better resonate with your audience's preferences, for example, by going from a formal tone to a more relaxed tone if it better matches your followers.

Frequency of publications: If analysis shows that posting twice a day increases engagement compared to once, adjust your schedule accordingly.

Realign its strategy

Optimizing underperforming content: Reassess content that has underperformed in terms of engagement and reach. Explore if they require improved visual or editorial quality, or if they should be completely redesigned.

Content rotation: Introduce new types of content to replace underperforming ones, such as integrating interviews or behind-the-scenes if standard promotional posts don't work well.


Content innovations: Launch experimental formats, like live sessions to increase interaction, or informative carousels to educate your audience on relevant topics.

Targeted campaigns: Experiment with different targeted advertising campaigns to see which demographics respond best to what type of content.


By intelligently exploiting Instagram statistics, you can not only understand but also significantly improve how you engage your audience. The year 2024 is the perfect opportunity to refine your approach and maximize the impact of each publication. Whether you're looking to increase your reach, boost engagement, or convert followers into loyal customers, Instagram data is the key to a successful strategy.


No time to look at all these indicators? We understand! We are also a start-up startup and we fully understand that the ROI of organic content is hard to quantify and justify. Content marketing is not a sprint, it's a marathon! Our services use an iterative approach that minimizes your investments in time and money spent on creating content for social networks. Our tools allow us to listen to all metrics, in real time to continuously optimize your communications and content.

Contact us: info@creasprint.com

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